Hydrofluoric acid?
Yeah, for the sake of completeness, there is an acid that etches granite. But...Natron!
However, there is another substance mentioned before, sodium carbonate, or natron in short (Na2CO3), a white powder, which, when heated to 851 degrees Celsius, eats granite for breakfast.How is etching granite possible?
The essence of the matter is that granite is a complex material, with 70-77% of it being SiO2, or commonly known as quartz. The rest are tiny-tiny, colorful granite (feldspar) grains. Molten sodium carbonate (natron) breaks down quartz, and so, granite as well, liberating the tiny-tiny, colorful grains.What is molten natron?
Molten natron is a liquid. At 851 degrees Celsius, it turns into a glowing, corrosive reddish liquid from its fine white powder form.A grill chimney!
As you've seen, all you need is a grill chimney and some charcoal to be able to etch granite at home.Volcanic rock types
Molten natron also etches all other volcanic rocks with quartz as their binding material.